1. A visit to SCO

    This article details a independent parties journey into SCO to look at their evidence. SCO is being extremely tight-lipped about what they're planning on doing and what their evidence is for copyright infringement, and this article points out that even after signing their NDA, they're still tight-lipped about the actual …

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  2. Car Accident

    Well, it had to happen sometime with the way the people drive down here. I had an accident coming home from work, less than a mile from where we live. A guy pulling out of a parking lot managed to cut into my lane (I was in the left lane …

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  3. Preview pwervie

    Yeah, I know I need to take a bit more time in the preview stage. Man, I can't type sometimes. I'm thinking of integrating a script for doing spell checking as soon as I remember the site for it (something about poking badgers or some other thing. I'll have a …

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