1. Reconnecting

    I just finished round 6 of 12 for my latest chemo treatments. I'm already feeling tired and worn-out. I'm feeling pretty disconnected from my work and from my game designs. My lists are pretty huge and my capacity to look and act on them is diminished. I have a presentation …

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  2. Content

    Earlier this week I was thinking about what I was feeling. I think I found what that is.


    I know that I'm probably going to be dealing with this cancer for the rest of my life. I'm not sure how long that will be, but frankly I'm no longer …

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  3. Do it until you can't

    I'm currently debating on whether to go on disability or not. Part of this because of my chemo treatments, which can be pretty exhausting, but part of it is to also explore other avenues while gaining some form of "stability" as I explore unknown and uncharted territory.

    One thing that …

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