1. Things I didn't know about having cancer

    I'm posting this in the hopes that anyone who is either diagnosed with cancer or has someone who is diagnosed with cancer will have a little bit more to go on than what we had. I'll admit that when I was diagnosed with cancer it felt like someone had pulled …

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  2. Progress is progress

    So we got the results for the PET Scan that I underwent on Tuesday. Naturally they came later in the day, but I'll take it.

    The news thus far (not-yet-reviewed-by-an-actual-doctor) is that things are progressing well. The cancers that are in my liver, lungs, and rectum are shrinking as they …

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  3. Decision time

    I've finished round 7 of my chemo treatments. This is a pretty huge milestone as I'm over the half-way mark for my originally scheduled 12 treatment cycle. Next week I'll be having a PET scan to determine where things are and what the next actions will be. I'd be lying …

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  4. Steady as she goes

    Tomorrow I begin round 4 of chemotherapy. So far things have been going well. My side effects have been minimal (knock on IKEA) and the folks administering the drugs have been outstanding. I couldn't ask for a better team of folks to help me with my cancer treatments. There's still …

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