Just saw this story on the BBC news site, and it struck me as rather odd: BBC man 'was unlawfully killed'. Unlawfully killed? What a strange term, unlawfully killed. Apparently the rules of war disallow certain forms of killing. When doing a wikipedia search on the term, I came across …
read moreWhy I hate media codecs
Well, that last post is pretty much a wash for anyone who has Windows 98, since Apple won't release Quicktime 7 for Windows 98SE. Sorry. That includes my parents, my wife's dad's computer, and several other folks I know from work.
read moreWe are the Zoo
Jack Lessenberry had a very thoughtful article about the Detroit Zoo situation. Check it out: Living in the zoo. Very appropriate.
read moreAnd so the Detroit Zoo scandal escalates
I'm heartened to hear that the City Council of Detroit is considering changing their votes, but I'm also saddened that the racism continues. An employee of a company fired off a racist e-mail to a City Council person. While I think it's deplorable that this person resorted to racist attacks …
read moreFuture law students turn their backs on Alberto Gonzalez
In what is quite heartwarming, ballsy, and inspirational, a group of Georgetown University Law Students turned their backs on Alberto Gonzalez during a speech. The photos and description are priceless, and I applaud those students for making a stand against the administration's security policies.
Best quote from the article:
- "When …