was this your doing?
Just Checking...
in trouble this morning for aiding and abetting my sister-in-law, who
carved her name in the butter. My part in this grand scheme? Putting the
butter back in the fridge instead of letting my sister-in-law spill the
beans slightly after the incident took place. This morning JoDee found
our …
Courtesy of my sister-in-law, the gift that keeps on giving:
I can't wait to try it out.
Thank you, Sarah!
read moreFieger wants charges dismissed, saying jury isnt black enough
So, to recap:
JoDee and I have been watching Buck Rogers on Hulu. As kids we both really enjoyed the show, and while the show has it's moments, it also has an incredible amount of 70's era cheese. While viewing the show, we both thought this show definitely needed a drinking game. After …
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