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Fox is cancelling Futurama. I think Chris Beveridge of www.animeondvd.com put it best.
To: Fox RE: Futurama's Cancellation To Whom It May (or May Not) Concern, Kiss my shiny metal ass.
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Happy Birthday JoDee!
(Oh yeah, happy "that other holiday" too).
Yes, it's JoDee's birthday today! Please wish her a happy birthday, if you will. We've already celebrated on Tuesday by going to Gameworks. Loads of fun! Happy birthday, sweetheart! :)
Had some fun changing some components around on my machine last …
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It's nearing Valentines Day, and while it's more importantly JoDee's Birthday, it's also time to get inundated with ads for Vermont Teddy Bears. Now, to be honest I think the whole bear-gram concept is pretty cute, but having every radio station talk up THE SAME AD like it's something they …
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