1. Checking In: 2023-10-30

    Checking in for 2023-10-30:

    • Last week my intention was to keep showing up to do my meaningful work. This worked really well. I've managed to get into a habit where the first thing I do in the morning is fire up my laptop and start writing. Some days it's a …
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  2. The zen of being

    I've been feeling a little out-of-sorts lately with my cancer treatments. I've been feeling tired, nauseous, and just plain overwhelmed. Part of this is because of the Lonsurf and part of this is my blood's make-up (which I need to get more recent numbers on Tuesday to find out what …

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  3. Checking In: 2023-10-27

    Checking in for 2023-10-27:

    • Today I didn't get much done. It was a combination of being tired and not getting much quality time outside of the bathroom. I spent a lot of time in bed today. But the difference was that I chose to be in bed rather than feeling …
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