1. Checking In: 2023-09-15

    Checking in for 2023-09-15:

    • Spent today doing my weekly review and getting a few things taken care of that needed attention. Honestly I think the more that I "do" the easier it is to keep doing. Wonder if that's a physical law or something. (Note: JoDee, please don't smother me …
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  2. Checking In: 2023-09-14

    Checking in for 2023-09-14:

    This update in one word: eventful. This is another long one.

    Content Warning: Bodily fluids. Ho boy there's a lot of bodily fluids in this one.

    • I finished up the 24 hour urine test this morning. I have learned a few things about myself with this …
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  3. Get used to disappointment...

    I was hoping that the results of the test to see if there was still an inordinate amount of protein in my urine would be negative, but unfortunately that's not the case. I kind of expected it though. The Lonsurf that I'm taking can do some pretty whacked out things …

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