1. Checking In: 2023-09-11

    Checking in for 2023-09-11:

    • Last week my intention was to practice with being consistent with working on my projects. For every success that I had when I made this intention on 2023-08-28 I have not had much success at all this past week. I've felt tired or scatterbrained and unable …
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  2. Checking In: 2023-09-08

    Content warning: bodily fluids

    Checking in for 2023-09-08:

    Strap in; this is going to be a long one.

    So remember how I mentioned that I was undergoing a test for protein in my urine. Should be pretty easy, right? Just piddle into a container. Yeah, once is pretty easy, but …

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  3. Checking In: 2023-09-07

    Content warning: bodily fluids

    Checking in for 2023-09-07:

    • This morning has been a bit fractured between some calls and figuring out the urine sample that I need to collect for the next 24 hours. Most of the time I'm not terribly mindful about my bodily processes but this time around …
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