1. Checking In: 2024-02-14

    Checking in for 2024-02-14:

    I woke up a little early today to have breakfast with JoDee for her birthday before she went to work. I even loaded up the coffee pot so we could have "slow coffee" (what my sister-in-law calls the Mill-and-Brew coffee maker, as opposed to the "fast …

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  2. Checking In: 2024-02-12

    Checking in for 2024-02-12:

    Last week my intention was to work on my most important task first thing in the morning. My mornings have been really thrashed as of late. I can't seem to come to a morning routine that is somewhat consistent. There are parts that are consistent (taking …

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  3. Checking In: 2024-02-11

    Checking in for 2024-02-11:

    Spent today doing my weekly review and thinking about the upcoming week. I have a few things that are on my mind. First off is working on my book and getting things moving there. It's going to require me to rewrite some of the code that …

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  4. Checking In: 2024-02-10

    Checking in for 2024-02-10:

    Took today to relax and work on a few things for other folks. Hopefully this will result in some awesome things down the line.

    Feeling a little tired today. I didn't manage to get through my weekly review like I had hoped but I'm hoping to …

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