1. Checking in: 2023-04-17

    Checking in: last week my intention was to narrow my focus on what is driving me and give that some space to play around. I made some progress in this arena. Part of that was finding out that my disability insurance was approved (hurray!). I wasn't going to worry about …

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  2. Approved

    So, um,

    As of April 14th my application for Social Security Disability Insurance has been approved.

    I'm literally gobsmacked. I didn't expect to see any movement about this for months, let alone weeks.

    I was fully expecting to have to fight tooth-and-nail for this. So many folks I've talked to …

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  3. Checking in: 2023-04-10

    Checking in: This past week my intention was to pace myself into my "retired" life. I allowed myself time to not try to pull in everything from my someday / maybe lists into my regular lists because I've done that before. I know my tendency is to overload my projects lists …

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