I last mentioned that it's never cake with PET scan results from last year. Well, it's still never cake. Dr. Jaiyesimi was disappointed with the results from the CAT scan. It means that the Lonsurf hasn't really worked the way he'd hoped. He's pulled me off that and the Bevacizumab …
read moreChecking In: 2023-12-26
Checking In: 2023-12-24
Checking in for 2023-12-24:
I wrote p a little bit about the Cave of the Lake of the Horns. I know this wasn't introduced until later in the comic but it was too good to leave out of the RPG. I'm also bracing for some changes that will be coming …
read moreChecking In: 2023-12-23
Checking in for 2023-12-23:
I mentioned my morning in the previous post. Well, when you start your day with that it's not hard to do better. JoDee and I spent part of the day cleaning up the house and then watched the Barbie movie with Sarah, my sister-in-law. I think …
read moreOnce more into the (containment) breach
Content warning: bodily functions a-plenty in this one.
I've mentioned before that my medications can give me an alternating constipation and diarrhea. Most of my anti-nausea drugs have constipation as one of their side-effects, and many of my chemotherapy drugs have diarrhea as one of their main side-effects. This can …
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