1. Checking In: 2023-12-21

    Checking in for 2023-12-21:

    Right now I'm drinking contrast for my CT scan. I took today easy since yesterday I had several episodes of not keeping things down. Overall today was much better. I decided to relax and just be with whatever came up. That seems to be the way …

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  2. Checking In: 2023-12-20

    Content warning: bodily functions.

    Checking in for 2023-12-20:

    Today was a bust. I woke up feeling slightly queasy but didn't think anything of it. I also had a bit of a headache so I took an ibuprofen. I started to eat some cereal. Within five minutes I puked up said …

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  3. Checking In: 2023-12-18

    Checking in for 2023-12-18:

    Last week my intention was to practice with the overwhelming feelings that I've been facing. I think I practiced a little too hard because I didn't really do much last week. I spent a lot of time working on a problem with my Hearsay engine. I …

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