1. Respite, then back to the chemo mines

    Met with my oncologist (Dr. Jaiyesimi) today. It looks like the plan at the moment is to start chemo back up with a new palate of drugs after Thanksgiving. Dare I say I'm looking forward to this? I am in some regards. Part of this is to give this cancer …

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  2. Too aggressive

    Got the news today about my surgery. It's been called off. I was half-expecting this because the plan that was proposed was the "aggressive" plan to remove the cancer from my liver. Unfortunately the time off from chemo has allowed those tumors to grow. My cancer antigen numbers have been …

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  3. Calm before the storm

    Today feels like the calm before the storm. Tomorrow I'll know more about whether or not I'll have surgery this week. I'm nervous for the outcome and feeling a bit overwhelmed. There are a lot of little things that I want to take care of before my surgery and a …

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