1. The bits between the bits

    This week I got my CT Scan in preparation for my surgery next week. I'll know more on Monday about whether the surgery will go on as planned or if I'm ineligible. So now we wait

    In the meantime I've been dealing with some intestinal distress. It seems that it's …

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  2. Can't stop, won't stop

    This week was supposed to be a quiet week before my appointments to determine what my future plans are. Unfortunately it's been anything but quiet. Unfortunately one of the side-effects of radiation is intestinal distress the likes of which I have never experienced before. I'm ready to have my mail …

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  3. Radiation complete. Now, we wait.

    Yesterday I finished my fifth round of short-course radiation treatment. This is to make sure that my rectal tumor stays at bay while also killing off one of my lymph nodes that has succumbed to cancer. When I left they gave me a little certificate:

    Certificate of completion of my radiation program with the names of the folks who treated me: Kerry, Ryan, Allie, and Melissa

    I was pretty taken-aback by …

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