1. Checking in: 2023-04-20

    Yesterday was chemo round 11/12. Most of the day was sitting in a chair getting pumped up with chemicals. It's interesting to me to think about how routine this is. It's also interesting how much like an extended family the folks at Cancer Care Associates are. The nurses, medical …

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  2. Reconfiguring

    Decided to take some time out to think about what I was going to focus on this week. It's a chemo week so deep work isn't really possible. I figured I'd revisit an old friend, Assembly Language on the Atari 400/800 home computers. I had been learning about the …

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  3. Checking in: 2023-04-17

    Checking in: last week my intention was to narrow my focus on what is driving me and give that some space to play around. I made some progress in this arena. Part of that was finding out that my disability insurance was approved (hurray!). I wasn't going to worry about …

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